CROOKS, Judith Gwenda (nee Hayes) (Judy)
In the loving care of her family after a short illness on Tuesday 5 March 2024; in her 78th year. Loved wife of the late Nip Crooks, loved mother and mother-in-law of Karen and Vaughan Drozdzak, Cheryl and Tony Barron, Gary Crooks, Kim and Ross Best, Lyndal and Lyndon Paul. Loved Judy of Shane, Gaby, Jaron, Kate and Christy, Jack and Mary, Josh, Keisha, Zac, Bailey and Dylan, Maddie, and Brooklyn and great Nana of Hudson. A service to celebrate Judy’s life will be held in the Avenal Park Chapel, 75 Fox Street Invercargill on Friday 8 March at 3.00pm, private interment to follow. You are invited to join the service via livestream at the Avenal Park Obituaries page and click on the link on Judy’s page. Special thanks to all medical staff involved in Judy’s care. Messages to 36 George Street Invercargill 9810
CROOKS, Judith Gwenda (Nee Hayes) (Judy)
Dearly loved daughter of the late Norman and Gwen Hayes. Loved sister of Neville* Hayes and Vicky Drain, loved sister-in-law of Pat and Allan* McLellan, Owen* and Anne Crooks, Jenny and Les* Booth. A much loved aunty of her nieces and nephews. (*denotes deceased)