TE AU, Martin Springford

E te rangatira, kua ngaro koe i tua te ārai,

Tangi ana me te hotu o te ngākau te whānau,

Maringi noa ngā roimata, ngā hupe

Te mea nui, ko mutu rā te mauiuitanga, te mamae

I taea koe ki te karo ngā āhua o te ao,

engari, kīhai tae koe ki te karo te taonga a te ringa aituā

Nō reira hoe atu to waka huhua ki te taumata o te okiokinga,

Kei reira e tatari ana to whaea, to matua, ōu matua tupuna

Ka puāwai ki reira

Nō reira moe atu, okioki atu, wairua atu

E kore rawa mātou e wareware

Haere, haere, haere atu rā


Te Au. Martin Springford aka Uncle Marty, Big Matua, McMarty, Mart, 75 years of a life well lived.

It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Uncle Marty on Saturday the 23rd of December 2023 in Christchurch Hospital. A very much loved son of the late James and Piki Te Au, treasured brother and brother in law of Winsome and Michael Skerrett (Invercargill), Paka and Angus Te Au (Bellblock, New Plymouth), Eddie and Rikki Te Au Gore, Ora and Ken Barron and Marcia and Thom Thomson (Invercargill).

Also a much loved brother of our heavenly brothers and sisters, Neville, Paul, Karen, Tania and Kerry.

A very much loved uncle and grand uncle to his many nieces and nephews.

 A very much loved Mart of his lifelong friend Louise Shannahan.

We wish to acknowledge with love and respect Mandy and Steve from their (Big Matua), and Preston from his McMarty.

Marty’s ashes will be laid to rest alongside his beloved father and brother in a graveside service/korero. The service will be held at the Eastern Cemetery Block 41 on Saturday 27 January at 11.00am.  Messages to 60b Janet Street, Appleby Invercargill, 9812.



DAVIS, Heather Mary (Sandra)


HAZLETT, Alison Mary